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Level Up Your Marketing with Our Video Production Services

Basic Video
  • Up to 30 Seconds
  • 1 Revision Included
  • 75 Words Script
Premium Video
  • Up to 60 Seconds
  • 2 Revisions Included
  • 150 Words Script
10X Video
  • Up to 90 Seconds
  • 3 Revisions Included
  • 200 Words Script

Supercharge Sales with Engaging Video Content

Want to grab your audience's attention and boost sales? Uptle's video production services create compelling content that gets results.

Videos convert! Studies show 73% of viewers buy after watching a product video. Plus, companies with videos are seen as more trustworthy. Let Uptle help you connect with customers in a way they crave.

Uptle Social Media Video Services

Swipe to view more plans

Stand Out High-Impact Industry Leader Breakthrough

Video Length

Up to 30 seconds

Up to 60 seconds

Up to 90 seconds


Up to 1 Revision

Up to 2 Revisions

Up to 3 Revisions

1080p Resolution

Commercially Licensed Music

Social Media Formatting

Social Calendar Integration

Transcription Included

Themed Video (10 Transitions)

Static Images

Overlay Text

75 Words Script

150 Words Script

200 Words Script

Professional Voiceover

500+ Font Library for Overlays

1 Font Choice

500+ Font Library

500+ Font Library

Custom Brand Colors

Logo Included

Performance Reports

Trusted by 200+ Businesses

Source File Provided

Starting Price




Boost Engagement & Conversions with Whiteboard Videos

Unlock the Power of Whiteboard Videos: Explain, Engage, Convert.

What are Whiteboard Videos? A Visual Storytelling Tool for Marketers.

Imagine capturing your audience's attention with captivating visuals that explain your products or services step-by-step. Whiteboard animations are perfect for this! By drawing key points and processes live on screen, you make complex information clear and engaging. Since 65% of people learn visually, whiteboard videos are a surefire way to boost retention and understanding of your message.

The Result? More Engaged Visitors, Higher Conversions, and a Lasting Impression.

Get Started Today: Our Whiteboard Video Services

Craft a Winning Message & Stand Out: We'll help you choose the perfect voice talent, write a captivating script, and produce a high-quality whiteboard video that grabs attention and resonates with your audience. Integrate it seamlessly on your website for maximum impact.

The Power of Video Marketing: Go beyond text and engage visitors with a personalized welcome. Whiteboard videos are a versatile tool to showcase your company, highlight your unique selling points, and drive action.

From product demo videos to FAQs and special offers, whiteboard videos can explain it all. Showcase key website sections, guide users through processes, announce exciting news, and keep them informed about your latest developments. With whiteboard videos, you can create engaging and informative content that will capture your audience's attention and help you achieve your marketing goals.

Ready to unlock the power of whiteboard videos? Contact us today!

Uptle Whiteboard Video Services

Swipe to the right on the table below to view additional plans.

Starter Standard Pro Enterprise

Video Length

Up to 5 Minutes

Up to 10 Minutes

Up to 15 Minutes

Animated Intro & Outro

Project Manager

Branded Titles

Full HD Resolution

Licensed Music


Script Length

500 Words

1000 Words

Up to 2 Script Revisions

Whiteboard Design

Up to 2 Design Revisions

Transcription Included

Professional Voiceover

Multiple Camera Angles

2000 Words

2000 Words

1 Camera

Color Correction

Social Media Formatting

Include Your Logo

Website Integration & SEO

Trusted by 200+ Businesses

Starting Price




Boost User Engagement with Videos!

Attention Spans Conquered: Long watch times signal to Google that your site offers valuable content. User engagement videos keep visitors glued to your pages, boosting SEO!

Ditch the Text Wall: Text-heavy pages lead to quick exits. Captivate your audience with engaging videos! Uptle's user engagement videos make your content come alive, keeping visitors hooked.

The Power of Video: Videos are irresistible! Uptle's user engagement videos add excitement and information, keeping users engaged and informed.

Endless Possibilities: Showcase anything with user engagement videos! From product details to assembly guides, explain complex topics or highlight your offerings in a clear and captivating way.

  • Product Dazzle: Showcase your products in stunning detail.
  • Assembly Made Easy: Crystal-clear instructions ensure frustration-free assembly.
  • Whiteboard Magic: Explain complex concepts with engaging whiteboard animations.
  • Simplify the Complex: Break down complex topics with informative and engaging videos.

Uptle creates a variety of user engagement videos to fit your needs. Contact us today to discuss pricing and elevate your user engagement!

Uptle: Supercharge User Engagement with Our Video Services

Swipe to see more plans!

Package Basic Engagement Premium Engagement 10X Engagement

Video Length

Up to 30 Seconds

Up to 60 Seconds

Up to 90 Seconds


Up to 1 Revision

Up to 2 Revisions

Up to 3 Revisions

Licensed Music

1080p Resolution

Keyword Research

Ranking Page Mapping

Featured Snippet Optimization

Transcription Included

Themed Content (10 Transitions)

Static Images

Overlay Text Script

75-Word Script

150-Word Script

200-Word Script

Professional Voiceover

500+ Font Library for Overlays

1 Font Choice

500+ Font Library

500+ Font Library

Custom Brand Colors

Logo Inclusion

Reporting & Analytics

Trusted by 200+ Businesses

Source File Provided

Ranking-Optimized Embed Code

Starting Price




Unlock explosive growth: Why video marketing is a must-have

Supercharge engagement! Videos are 10x more likely to grab attention than text. Leverage brand video production to boost site interaction and watch your brand come alive.

Captivate your audience with business video production! Videos keep people engaged with your content, leading them to discover more about your business and convert into loyal customers.

Soar in search results! Videos signal value to search engines, skyrocketing your website to the top of Google rankings (53x more likely for that coveted first page!).

Conversions on steroids! Landing pages with videos see an 80% conversion rate boost. Imagine doubling your conversions – that's the power of video!

Harness the undeniable power of video marketing and unleash its potential for your business. Let Uptle's team of video experts create captivating videos that drive results, and complement them with our website copywriter service to craft compelling website copy that converts.

Boost Conversions & Engagement: Why Uptle Video Production Wins

Stand Out From the Crowd: Uptle, a leading website video production company, crafts powerful videos that give your brand a competitive edge. Stay ahead in your industry with captivating content that keeps users engaged.

Break Through the Noise: Tired of users getting lost in online clutter? Uptle creates unique and engaging video content that grabs attention. In today's fast-paced digital world, high-quality videos build trust with search engines and set your business apart, attracting more customers.

Transform Your Website: Web videos are a game-changer! Uptle's videos turn your website into an interactive and entertaining experience, replacing static text with engaging multimedia content.

Speak Volumes with Video: Uptle videos go beyond words. With compelling visuals, clear narration, music, and text, we craft a multi-layered message that resonates with your audience.

Drive Results with Uptle Videos: Our clients see real benefits – increased sales, lower customer service costs, and higher call-to-action conversions. Uptle videos enhance your website, captivate visitors, and drive results.

Unlock explosive growth: How web video can boost your social media presence

Say goodbye to guesswork! Uptle helps you pinpoint where web videos will have the biggest impact on your website, and offers a variety of video production plans to fit your needs and budget.

Don't wait! Get started creating engaging videos today.

Supercharge your social media with powerful video content

Ready to skyrocket engagement on social media? Social media video production is your secret weapon. Showcase your products, services, and brand story in a captivating format, or create targeted video ads to drive sales.

Here's what you can achieve with social media videos:

  • Turn product features into engaging stories
  • Offer step-by-step tutorials for your products
  • Take viewers behind the scenes of your production process
  • Unpack the value proposition of your services
  • Spark a need for your services with compelling content
  • Build a strong brand identity and showcase what makes you unique
  • Put a human face to your brand with employee introductions
  • Give viewers a virtual tour of your facilities
  • Boost trust and credibility with video testimonials
  • The possibilities are endless!

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing social media landscape? Uptle takes the guesswork out of video marketing. We'll help you develop a winning strategy to leverage video content across your social media platforms.

Did you know social media posts with videos get 48% more views? Uptle can help you tap into this massive opportunity and integrate high-performing videos into your social media strategy.

Maximize engagement with square video ads (1:1 aspect ratio). Studies show they outperform landscape video ads, generating 2X the views and 3X the shares!

Square videos display perfectly on social media without black bars. Popularized by platforms like Instagram, they're proven to capture attention and boost engagement.

Grab more real estate in mobile feeds! Square videos take up 78% more space compared to landscape videos (16:9 aspect ratio). As mobile video consumption explodes, square videos are key to grabbing attention.

Stretch your budget further! Engaging Facebook users with square videos costs 7.5% less, and on Instagram it's a whopping 33% less. Invest in square video marketing for better results at a lower cost.

Level Up Your Brand with Uptle's Video Production Powerhouse

Affordable video production that makes an impact Affordable, impactful videos? Yes, please! Uptle delivers high-quality productions that won't break the bank. We maximize your budget for maximum impact, crafting videos that resonate with your audience.

Get ready to impress. Our crisp, HD web videos combine professional actors, lighting, and scripting to deliver a powerful message with personality. Expect flawless audio, dazzling visuals, and an engaging script that keeps viewers hooked.

Seamless integration guaranteed. Our web development team ensures your stunning video becomes a natural part of your website, captivating visitors and driving results.

Uptle's your video marketing secret weapon. We skyrocket search traffic by 500-700% for many clients in just 30 days. Let us optimize your video to unlock its full potential and watch your business thrive. Learn more about our content marketing services on our Internet Marketing Strategy page.

Unleash the Power of Video: Boost Engagement & Conversions

Ready to captivate your audience? Give us a call at 888-601-5359 or visit us online to discover how impactful web videos can transform your website into an irresistible user experience.

Let's create something amazing together!

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