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Unlock the Power of Emojis: Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Marketing

No more struggling to remember codes! This cheat sheet makes adding emojis a breeze. Plus, learn some emoji SEO tips to boost your search rankings!
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Free resource by Uptle! Submit feedback or suggestions to help us improve.

  • :bowtie:
  • :smile:
  • :simple_smile:
  • :laughing:
  • :blush:
  • :smiley:
  • :relaxed:
  • :smirk:
  • :heart_eyes:
  • :kissing_heart:
  • :kissing_closed_eyes:
  • :flushed:
  • :relieved:
  • :satisfied:
  • :grin:
  • :wink:
  • :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • :grinning:
  • :kissing:
  • :kissing_smiling_eyes:
  • :stuck_out_tongue:
  • :sleeping:
  • :worried:
  • :frowning:
  • :anguished:
  • :open_mouth:
  • :grimacing:
  • :confused:
  • :hushed:
  • :expressionless:
  • :unamused:
  • :sweat_smile:
  • :sweat:
  • :disappointed_relieved:
  • :weary:
  • :pensive:
  • :disappointed:
  • :confounded:
  • :fearful:
  • :cold_sweat:
  • :persevere:
  • :cry:
  • :sob:
  • :joy:
  • :astonished:
  • :scream:
  • :neckbeard:
  • :tired_face:
  • :angry:
  • :rage:
  • :triumph:
  • :sleepy:
  • :yum:
  • :mask:
  • :sunglasses:
  • :dizzy_face:
  • :imp:
  • :smiling_imp:
  • :neutral_face:
  • :no_mouth:
  • :innocent:
  • :alien:
  • :yellow_heart:
  • :blue_heart:
  • :purple_heart:
  • :heart:
  • :green_heart:
  • :broken_heart:
  • :heartbeat:
  • :heartpulse:
  • :two_hearts:
  • :revolving_hearts:
  • :cupid:
  • :sparkling_heart:
  • :sparkles:
  • :star:
  • :star2:
  • :dizzy:
  • :boom:
  • :collision:
  • :anger:
  • :exclamation:
  • :question:
  • :grey_exclamation:
  • :grey_question:
  • :zzz:
  • :dash:
  • :sweat_drops:
  • :notes:
  • :musical_note:
  • :fire:
  • :hankey:
  • :poop:
  • :shit:
  • :+1:
  • :thumbsup:
  • :-1:
  • :thumbsdown:
  • :ok_hand:
  • :punch:
  • :facepunch:
  • :fist:
  • :v:
  • :wave:
  • :hand:
  • :raised_hand:
  • :open_hands:
  • :point_up:
  • :point_down:
  • :point_left:
  • :point_right:
  • :raised_hands:
  • :pray:
  • :point_up_2:
  • :clap:
  • :muscle:
  • :metal:
  • :fu:
  • :runner:
  • :running:
  • :couple:
  • :family:
  • :two_men_holding_hands:
  • :two_women_holding_hands:
  • :dancer:
  • :dancers:
  • :ok_woman:
  • :no_good:
  • :information_desk_person:
  • :raising_hand:
  • :bride_with_veil:
  • :person_with_pouting_face:
  • :person_frowning:
  • :bow:
  • :couplekiss:
  • :couple_with_heart:
  • :massage:
  • :haircut:
  • :nail_care:
  • :boy:
  • :girl:
  • :woman:
  • :man:
  • :baby:
  • :older_woman:
  • :older_man:
  • :person_with_blond_hair:
  • :man_with_gua_pi_mao:
  • :man_with_turban:
  • :construction_worker:
  • :cop:
  • :angel:
  • :princess:
  • :smiley_cat:
  • :smile_cat:
  • :heart_eyes_cat:
  • :kissing_cat:
  • :smirk_cat:
  • :scream_cat:
  • :crying_cat_face:
  • :joy_cat:
  • :pouting_cat:
  • :japanese_ogre:
  • :japanese_goblin:
  • :see_no_evil:
  • :hear_no_evil:
  • :speak_no_evil:
  • :guardsman:
  • :skull:
  • :feet:
  • :lips:
  • :kiss:
  • :droplet:
  • :ear:
  • :eyes:
  • :nose:
  • :tongue:
  • :love_letter:
  • :bust_in_silhouette:
  • :busts_in_silhouette:
  • :speech_balloon:
  • :thought_balloon:
  • :feelsgood:
  • :finnadie:
  • :goberserk:
  • :godmode:
  • :hurtrealbad:
  • :rage1:
  • :rage2:
  • :rage3:
  • :rage4:
  • :suspect:
  • :trollface:
  • :sunny:
  • :umbrella:
  • :cloud:
  • :snowflake:
  • :snowman:
  • :zap:
  • :cyclone:
  • :foggy:
  • :ocean:
  • :cat:
  • :dog:
  • :mouse:
  • :hamster:
  • :rabbit:
  • :wolf:
  • :frog:
  • :tiger:
  • :koala:
  • :bear:
  • :pig:
  • :pig_nose:
  • :cow:
  • :boar:
  • :monkey_face:
  • :monkey:
  • :horse:
  • :racehorse:
  • :camel:
  • :sheep:
  • :elephant:
  • :panda_face:
  • :snake:
  • :bird:
  • :baby_chick:
  • :hatched_chick:
  • :hatching_chick:
  • :chicken:
  • :penguin:
  • :turtle:
  • :bug:
  • :honeybee:
  • :ant:
  • :beetle:
  • :snail:
  • :octopus:
  • :tropical_fish:
  • :fish:
  • :whale:
  • :whale2:
  • :dolphin:
  • :cow2:
  • :ram:
  • :rat:
  • :water_buffalo:
  • :tiger2:
  • :rabbit2:
  • :dragon:
  • :goat:
  • :rooster:
  • :dog2:
  • :pig2:
  • :mouse2:
  • :ox:
  • :dragon_face:
  • :blowfish:
  • :crocodile:
  • :dromedary_camel:
  • :leopard:
  • :cat2:
  • :poodle:
  • :paw_prints:
  • :bouquet:
  • :cherry_blossom:
  • :tulip:
  • :four_leaf_clover:
  • :rose:
  • :sunflower:
  • :hibiscus:
  • :maple_leaf:
  • :leaves:
  • :fallen_leaf:
  • :herb:
  • :mushroom:
  • :cactus:
  • :palm_tree:
  • :evergreen_tree:
  • :deciduous_tree:
  • :chestnut:
  • :seedling:
  • :blossom:
  • :ear_of_rice:
  • :shell:
  • :globe_with_meridians:
  • :sun_with_face:
  • :full_moon_with_face:
  • :new_moon_with_face:
  • :new_moon:
  • :waxing_crescent_moon:
  • :first_quarter_moon:
  • :waxing_gibbous_moon:
  • :full_moon:
  • :waning_gibbous_moon:
  • :last_quarter_moon:
  • :waning_crescent_moon:
  • :last_quarter_moon_with_face:
  • :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
  • :crescent_moon:
  • :earth_africa:
  • :earth_americas:
  • :earth_asia:
  • :volcano:
  • :milky_way:
  • :partly_sunny:
  • :octocat:
  • :squirrel:
  • :bamboo:
  • :gift_heart:
  • :dolls:
  • :school_satchel:
  • :mortar_board:
  • :flags:
  • :fireworks:
  • :sparkler:
  • :wind_chime:
  • :rice_scene:
  • :jack_o_lantern:
  • :ghost:
  • :santa:
  • :christmas_tree:
  • :gift:
  • :bell:
  • :no_bell:
  • :tanabata_tree:
  • :tada:
  • :confetti_ball:
  • :balloon:
  • :crystal_ball:
  • :cd:
  • :dvd:
  • :floppy_disk:
  • :camera:
  • :video_camera:
  • :movie_camera:
  • :computer:
  • :tv:
  • :iphone:
  • :phone:
  • :telephone:
  • :telephone_receiver:
  • :pager:
  • :fax:
  • :minidisc:
  • :vhs:
  • :sound:
  • :speaker:
  • :mute:
  • :loudspeaker:
  • :mega:
  • :hourglass:
  • :hourglass_flowing_sand:
  • :alarm_clock:
  • :watch:
  • :radio:
  • :satellite:
  • :loop:
  • :mag:
  • :mag_right:
  • :unlock:
  • :lock:
  • :lock_with_ink_pen:
  • :closed_lock_with_key:
  • :key:
  • :bulb:
  • :flashlight:
  • :high_brightness:
  • :low_brightness:
  • :electric_plug:
  • :battery:
  • :calling:
  • :email:
  • :mailbox:
  • :postbox:
  • :bath:
  • :bathtub:
  • :shower:
  • :toilet:
  • :wrench:
  • :nut_and_bolt:
  • :hammer:
  • :seat:
  • :moneybag:
  • :yen:
  • :dollar:
  • :pound:
  • :euro:
  • :credit_card:
  • :money_with_wings:
  • :e-mail:
  • :inbox_tray:
  • :outbox_tray:
  • :envelope:
  • :incoming_envelope:
  • :postal_horn:
  • :mailbox_closed:
  • :mailbox_with_mail:
  • :mailbox_with_no_mail:
  • :package:
  • :door:
  • :smoking:
  • :bomb:
  • :gun:
  • :hocho:
  • :pill:
  • :syringe:
  • :page_facing_up:
  • :page_with_curl:
  • :bookmark_tabs:
  • :bar_chart:
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • :chart_with_downwards_trend:
  • :scroll:
  • :clipboard:
  • :calendar:
  • :date:
  • :card_index:
  • :file_folder:
  • :open_file_folder:
  • :scissors:
  • :pushpin:
  • :paperclip:
  • :black_nib:
  • :pencil2:
  • :straight_ruler:
  • :triangular_ruler:
  • :closed_book:
  • :green_book:
  • :blue_book:
  • :orange_book:
  • :notebook:
  • :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
  • :ledger:
  • :books:
  • :bookmark:
  • :name_badge:
  • :microscope:
  • :telescope:
  • :newspaper:
  • :football:
  • :basketball:
  • :soccer:
  • :baseball:
  • :tennis:
  • :8ball:
  • :rugby_football:
  • :bowling:
  • :golf:
  • :mountain_bicyclist:
  • :bicyclist:
  • :horse_racing:
  • :snowboarder:
  • :swimmer:
  • :surfer:
  • :ski:
  • :spades:
  • :hearts:
  • :clubs:
  • :diamonds:
  • :gem:
  • :ring:
  • :trophy:
  • :musical_score:
  • :musical_keyboard:
  • :violin:
  • :space_invader:
  • :video_game:
  • :black_joker:
  • :flower_playing_cards:
  • :game_die:
  • :dart:
  • :mahjong:
  • :clapper:
  • :memo:
  • :pencil:
  • :book:
  • :art:
  • :microphone:
  • :headphones:
  • :trumpet:
  • :saxophone:
  • :guitar:
  • :shoe:
  • :sandal:
  • :high_heel:
  • :lipstick:
  • :boot:
  • :shirt:
  • :tshirt:
  • :necktie:
  • :womans_clothes:
  • :dress:
  • :running_shirt_with_sash:
  • :jeans:
  • :kimono:
  • :bikini:
  • :ribbon:
  • :tophat:
  • :crown:
  • :womans_hat:
  • :mans_shoe:
  • :closed_umbrella:
  • :briefcase:
  • :handbag:
  • :pouch:
  • :purse:
  • :eyeglasses:
  • :fishing_pole_and_fish:
  • :coffee:
  • :tea:
  • :sake:
  • :baby_bottle:
  • :beer:
  • :beers:
  • :cocktail:
  • :tropical_drink:
  • :wine_glass:
  • :fork_and_knife:
  • :pizza:
  • :hamburger:
  • :fries:
  • :poultry_leg:
  • :meat_on_bone:
  • :spaghetti:
  • :curry:
  • :fried_shrimp:
  • :bento:
  • :sushi:
  • :fish_cake:
  • :rice_ball:
  • :rice_cracker:
  • :rice:
  • :ramen:
  • :stew:
  • :oden:
  • :dango:
  • :egg:
  • :bread:
  • :doughnut:
  • :custard:
  • :icecream:
  • :ice_cream:
  • :shaved_ice:
  • :birthday:
  • :cake:
  • :cookie:
  • :chocolate_bar:
  • :candy:
  • :lollipop:
  • :honey_pot:
  • :apple:
  • :green_apple:
  • :tangerine:
  • :lemon:
  • :cherries:
  • :grapes:
  • :watermelon:
  • :strawberry:
  • :peach:
  • :melon:
  • :banana:
  • :pear:
  • :pineapple:
  • :sweet_potato:
  • :eggplant:
  • :tomato:
  • :corn:
  • :house:
  • :house_with_garden:
  • :school:
  • :office:
  • :post_office:
  • :hospital:
  • :bank:
  • :convenience_store:
  • :love_hotel:
  • :hotel:
  • :wedding:
  • :church:
  • :department_store:
  • :european_post_office:
  • :city_sunrise:
  • :city_sunset:
  • :japanese_castle:
  • :european_castle:
  • :tent:
  • :factory:
  • :tokyo_tower:
  • :japan:
  • :mount_fuji:
  • :sunrise_over_mountains:
  • :sunrise:
  • :stars:
  • :statue_of_liberty:
  • :bridge_at_night:
  • :carousel_horse:
  • :rainbow:
  • :ferris_wheel:
  • :fountain:
  • :roller_coaster:
  • :ship:
  • :speedboat:
  • :boat:
  • :sailboat:
  • :rowboat:
  • :anchor:
  • :rocket:
  • :airplane:
  • :helicopter:
  • :steam_locomotive:
  • :tram:
  • :mountain_railway:
  • :bike:
  • :aerial_tramway:
  • :suspension_railway:
  • :mountain_cableway:
  • :tractor:
  • :blue_car:
  • :oncoming_automobile:
  • :car:
  • :red_car:
  • :taxi:
  • :oncoming_taxi:
  • :articulated_lorry:
  • :bus:
  • :oncoming_bus:
  • :rotating_light:
  • :police_car:
  • :oncoming_police_car:
  • :fire_engine:
  • :ambulance:
  • :minibus:
  • :truck:
  • :train:
  • :station:
  • :train2:
  • :bullettrain_front:
  • :bullettrain_side:
  • :light_rail:
  • :monorail:
  • :railway_car:
  • :trolleybus:
  • :ticket:
  • :fuelpump:
  • :vertical_traffic_light:
  • :traffic_light:
  • :warning:
  • :construction:
  • :beginner:
  • :atm:
  • :slot_machine:
  • :busstop:
  • :barber:
  • :hotsprings:
  • :checkered_flag:
  • :crossed_flags:
  • :izakaya_lantern:
  • :moyai:
  • :circus_tent:
  • :performing_arts:
  • :round_pushpin:
  • :triangular_flag_on_post:
  • :jp:
  • :kr:
  • :cn:
  • :us:
  • :fr:
  • :es:
  • :it:
  • :ru:
  • :gb:
  • :uk:
  • :de:
  • :one:
  • :two:
  • :three:
  • :four:
  • :five:
  • :six:
  • :seven:
  • :eight:
  • :nine:
  • :keycap_ten:
  • :1234:
  • :zero:
  • :hash:
  • :symbols:
  • :arrow_backward:
  • :arrow_down:
  • :arrow_forward:
  • :arrow_left:
  • :capital_abcd:
  • :abcd:
  • :abc:
  • :arrow_lower_left:
  • :arrow_lower_right:
  • :arrow_right:
  • :arrow_up:
  • :arrow_upper_left:
  • :arrow_upper_right:
  • :arrow_double_down:
  • :arrow_double_up:
  • :arrow_down_small:
  • :arrow_heading_down:
  • :arrow_heading_up:
  • :leftwards_arrow_with_hook:
  • :arrow_right_hook:
  • :left_right_arrow:
  • :arrow_up_down:
  • :arrow_up_small:
  • :arrows_clockwise:
  • :arrows_counterclockwise:
  • :rewind:
  • :fast_forward:
  • :information_source:
  • :ok:
  • :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
  • :repeat:
  • :repeat_one:
  • :new:
  • :top:
  • :up:
  • :cool:
  • :free:
  • :ng:
  • :cinema:
  • :koko:
  • :signal_strength:
  • :u5272:
  • :u5408:
  • :u55b6:
  • :u6307:
  • :u6708:
  • :u6709:
  • :u6e80:
  • :u7121:
  • :u7533:
  • :u7a7a:
  • :u7981:
  • :sa:
  • :restroom:
  • :mens:
  • :womens:
  • :baby_symbol:
  • :no_smoking:
  • :parking:
  • :wheelchair:
  • :metro:
  • :baggage_claim:
  • :accept:
  • :wc:
  • :potable_water:
  • :put_litter_in_its_place:
  • :secret:
  • :congratulations:
  • :m:
  • :passport_control:
  • :left_luggage:
  • :customs:
  • :ideograph_advantage:
  • :cl:
  • :sos:
  • :id:
  • :no_entry_sign:
  • :underage:
  • :no_mobile_phones:
  • :do_not_litter:
  • :non-potable_water:
  • :no_bicycles:
  • :no_pedestrians:
  • :children_crossing:
  • :no_entry:
  • :eight_spoked_asterisk:
  • :sparkle:
  • :eight_pointed_black_star:
  • :heart_decoration:
  • :vs:
  • :vibration_mode:
  • :mobile_phone_off:
  • :chart:
  • :currency_exchange:
  • :aries:
  • :taurus:
  • :gemini:
  • :cancer:
  • :leo:
  • :virgo:
  • :libra:
  • :scorpius:
  • :sagittarius:
  • :capricorn:
  • :aquarius:
  • :pisces:
  • :ophiuchus:
  • :six_pointed_star:
  • :negative_squared_cross_mark:
  • :a:
  • :b:
  • :ab:
  • :o2:
  • :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
  • :recycle:
  • :end:
  • :back:
  • :on:
  • :soon:
  • :clock1:
  • :clock130:
  • :clock10:
  • :clock1030:
  • :clock11:
  • :clock1130:
  • :clock12:
  • :clock1230:
  • :clock2:
  • :clock230:
  • :clock3:
  • :clock330:
  • :clock4:
  • :clock430:
  • :clock5:
  • :clock530:
  • :clock6:
  • :clock630:
  • :clock7:
  • :clock730:
  • :clock8:
  • :clock830:
  • :clock9:
  • :clock930:
  • :heavy_dollar_sign:
  • :copyright:
  • :registered:
  • :tm:
  • :x:
  • :heavy_exclamation_mark:
  • :bangbang:
  • :interrobang:
  • :o:
  • :heavy_multiplication_x:
  • :heavy_plus_sign:
  • :heavy_minus_sign:
  • :heavy_division_sign:
  • :white_flower:
  • :100:
  • :heavy_check_mark:
  • :ballot_box_with_check:
  • :radio_button:
  • :link:
  • :curly_loop:
  • :wavy_dash:
  • :part_alternation_mark:
  • :trident:
  • :black_small_square:
  • :white_small_square:
  • :black_medium_small_square:
  • :white_medium_small_square:
  • :black_medium_square:
  • :white_medium_square:
  • :black_large_square:
  • :white_large_square:
  • :white_check_mark:
  • :black_square_button:
  • :white_square_button:
  • :black_circle:
  • :white_circle:
  • :red_circle:
  • :large_blue_circle:
  • :large_blue_diamond:
  • :large_orange_diamond:
  • :small_blue_diamond:
  • :small_orange_diamond:
  • :small_red_triangle:
  • :small_red_triangle_down:
  • :shipit:
Plus, explore sound emojis!
  • /play secret
  • /play trombone
  • /play crickets
  • /play rimshot
  • /play vuvuzela
  • /play tmyk
  • /play live
  • /play drama
  • /play yeah
  • /play greatjob
  • /play pushit
  • /play nyan
  • /play tada
  • /play ohmy
  • /play bueller
  • /play ohyeah
  • /play 56k
  • /play dangerzone
  • /play horn
  • /play horror
  • /play loggins
  • /play yodel
  • /play sax
  • /play noooo
  • /play heygirl
  • /play inconceivable
  • /play deeper
  • /play whoomp
  • /play clowntown
  • /play what
  • /play bezos
  • /play trololo
  • /play makeitso
  • /play sexyback
  • /play bell
  • /play danielsan
  • /play greyjoy
  • /play story
  • /play dadgummit
  • /play rollout
  • /play cottoneyejoe
  • /play rumble
  • /play guarantee
  • /play unix
  • /play letitgo
  • /play wups
  • /play flawless
  • /play butts

Master Emojis in Minutes: Your Easy Tutorial

Emojis: The Secret Weapon of Social Media

Boost engagement and add personality to every message, from casual chats to marketing campaigns, with the help of emoji tools for marketing.

Emojis bridge the gap in online communication, making them perfect for design teams, social media managers, and everyone in between, including those involved in B2B emoji usage.

Emoji marketing strategies are no longer just a trend - they're the new normal for online expression. See for yourself on Facebook or Twitter!

Unleash the power of emojis and elevate your social media presence to the next level with our comprehensive cheat sheet on corporate emoji trends!

Emoji Cheat Sheet FAQs

Q: Which platforms support these emojis?

A: Check the top of this page for a compatibility list!

Q: How to copy an emoji code?

A: Just click the code, and it'll be copied! Paste it into your chosen platform to use the emoji.

Q: Can I search for specific emojis?

A: Absolutely! Use the instant search bar at the top right.


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