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Unify Your Search Ads: Powerful Insights from One Platform

See how your search ads perform across Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with Search Ads 360.

Effortless Search Engine Management: Update & Optimize All Campaigns

With Search Ads 360, you can consolidate your paid search efforts across multiple engines and platforms, including Campaign Manager, Google Analytics 360, and Google Display Video 360.

Automate & Personalize: Streamline Your Paid Search

Leverage Google Surveys 360 to gather customer insights and Google Optimize 360 to test and refine your landing pages, ensuring your Search Ads 360 campaigns deliver optimal results.

Single Interface
Unified Reporting
Streamline Campaign Management: Ditch the Multi-Platform Juggle
  • Say goodbye to repetitive tasks! Search Ads 360 lets you manage budgets, campaigns, and everything in between from one central hub. Imagine creating interconnected budget groups that adjust based on bid strategy performance – all within a single interface.
  • Maximize your marketing efficiency with enterprise marketing automation, utilizing potent multi-engine bid strategies that can be deployed seamlessly across various levels such as accounts, campaigns, ad groups, or even individual keywords, offering unparalleled control and adaptability.
  • Build remarketing lists across all your campaigns. Then, seamlessly reconnect with customers on search, social, or display channels – all within Search Ads 360.

Google Marketing Platform Hub

Your one-stop-shop for everything Google Marketing Platform, designed to help marketers stay informed and up-to-date on product news, solutions, how-to’s, and more.


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